All classes are available online via Zoom.

In-person classes are offered weekdays in the mornings and afternoons.

Please contact us via email for information about levels, registration, and payments at

Gimcana Italiana


Una festa: Gimcana Italiana

Presented by Corinna Messina, with the participation of the Scuola Italiana's faculty

An afternoon of games to test your knowledge of Italian language and culture...but most importantly, an excuse to spend more time together, chat in Italian, have fun at the Scuola...and – perché no! – si[ wine in good company.

gym-kha-na: Originally in 19th century England and India, a display of athletic and equestrian events; in the 20th century also a form of automotive events in which a series of events is planned to test driving skills and demonstrate accurate car handling.

Well, the definition of the word has little to do with our context...let it be enough to say that this is going to be an amicable competition and it will be fun! (No horses involved, promise!)

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